2024-25 5km Handicap series

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Thu 28 Nov 2024 18:30 — Thu 06 Mar 2025 20:00
See all dates

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Event Waiver

Conditions of Entry 

Registering for this event is your acknowledgement that you have read and understood these terms and agree to be bound by them. Parents/Guardians of participants Under 18 years of age must also read and accept the conditions of entry.

The terms on which you are allowed to participate in this even are set out below. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, you are prohibited from participating.

  1. Your level of fitness is sufficient to participate;
  2. You are participating in this event at your own risk;
  3. The organisers of the event and all persons who are assisting are not liable for injury or damage that you suffer as a consequence of your participation (to the maximum extent that the laws allow), including injury or damage caused by their negligence and you release them from any such liability that they would have to you;
  4. You indemnify the organisers of the event and all persons assisting against any claims made against them as a consequence of any injury or damage that you suffer from participating, including injury or damage caused by their negligence;
  5. You comply with the directions of the persons conducting the event;
  6. The participant is 12years or older;
  7. You give permission for photos taken of you on the day to be used for promotional Wodonga Athletic Club Inc.
